Reading a binary STL file with C++

August 22, 2022  [programming]  [c++] 

STL is a common file format, originated in the area of additive manufacturing, used for storing trinagular meshes. It exists in two forms: binary STL and ASCII STL, differing by whether the data is written directly in a binary form or using a special text-based syntax. Obviously, the former variant is more efficient, and in this blog post I am going to provide some tips on how to read such a file using C++.

The structure of a binary STL file is as follows (here by byte I mean an octet, i.e. 8 bits):

We are going to use std::ifstream to read the file. As such, we include the <fstream> header and, for convenience, define a helper function to create an input file stream for reading binary data:

std::ifstream open_binary_file(const char* filename)
    return std::ifstream{filename, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary};

The primary elementary piece of data we will be reading is a facet. Let’s define a struct with the fields correspoding to the four $\mathbb{R}^3$ vectors:

struct Facet
    float normal[3];
    float v1[3];
    float v2[3];
    float v3[3];

Looking at the structure of the file above, you may see that the elementary types to be read are char (to read the fixed-sized header string), unsigned int (to read the number of facets), and float (to read an individual scalar). Let’s define some generic helper functions to decode these values from the binary representations. The first one would read a single binary value of the given type:

template <typename T>
void read_binary_value(std::ifstream& in, T* dst)
{, sizeof(T));

The idea here is as follows. An input stream expects a char*, along with the number of bytes to be read. We can cast a pointer to some other type to char* using reinterpret_cast. To unclutter the code, we use a helper function:

template <typename T>
char* as_char_ptr(T* pointer)
    return reinterpret_cast<char*>(pointer);

Further, we create a similar function, reading a C array of values of some type:

template <typename T>
void read_binary_array(std::ifstream& in, T* dst, size_t array_length)
    size_t n_bytes = array_length * sizeof(T);, n_bytes);

A simplified flow of the actual reading of the file is then as follows:

auto in = open_binary_file(filename);

char header[81];
unsigned int n_facets;
std::vector<Facet> facets;

read_binary_array<char>(in, header, 80);
header[80] = '\0'; // to ensure a proper C string

read_binary_value<unsigned int>(in, &n_facets);


for (size_t i = 0; i < n_facets; ++i) {
    Facet f{};
    read_binary_array<float>(in, f.normal, 3);
    read_binary_array<float>(in, f.v1, 3);
    read_binary_array<float>(in, f.v2, 3);
    read_binary_array<float>(in, f.v3, 3);

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