Searching for the closest value in a sorted vector with C++

April 24, 2021  [c++]  [programming] 

In this post I am going to show how to efficiently search for the closest element in sorted std::vector using the std::lower_bound function from the Standard Template Library (STL).

The problem is a follows: you have a bunch of numbers (e.g. doubles) that you have stored in a std::vector, which you have subsequently sorted, and you want to, given a new number x, find the element in the sorted vector that is the closest to x. This problem sounds very similar to binary search, although the goal here is not to find exacly the same value as x, but to report on the value having the lowest difference with x.

The C++ function that does the work is presented below. It takes a reference to a sorted vector, along with the value to search for (x), and returns the index of the element closest to x. Further, we will go step-by-step and examine what the function does.

long search_closest(const std::vector<double>& sorted_array, double x) {

    auto iter_geq = std::lower_bound(

    if (iter_geq == sorted_array.begin()) {
        return 0;

    double a = *(iter_geq - 1);
    double b = *(iter_geq);

    if (fabs(x - a) < fabs(x - b)) {
        return iter_geq - sorted_array.begin() - 1;

    return iter_geq - sorted_array.begin();


The main function we are using here is std::lower_bound:

auto iter_geq = std::lower_bound(

As you may read in the reference, it returns an iterator that points to the first element in the range between the two supplied iterators that is greater or equal to the searched value. That’s exacly what we need: the returned iterator either points to the exact element we are searching for, or the element we want is actually one position in front (depending which one is closer to x).

If the returned lower bound corresponds to the first element in the vector, there is no point to check for the element to the left, so we just return 0:

if (iter_geq == sorted_array.begin()) {
    return 0;

Otherwise, we dereference iter_geq - 1 and iter_geq and check which one is closest to x:

double a = *(iter_geq - 1);
double b = *(iter_geq);

if (fabs(x - a) < fabs(x - b)) {
    return iter_geq - sorted_array.begin() - 1;

return iter_geq - sorted_array.begin();

That’s all. We’ve got the required result. Let’s see how this function works for a simple example application that you may find here (with the code for print_vector here).

int main() {

    // Define a vector of unsorted doubles
    std::vector<double> numbers = {
        3.14, 4.89, 1.2, 9.4, 0.57, -1.9, 5.3, 4.65

    // Sort the vector
    std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

    std::cout << "Sorted vector:" << std::endl; 

    // Search for the closest 
    for (double x : std::vector<double>{5, 5.1}) {

        std::cout << "\nSearching element closest to " << x;
        std::cout << std::endl;

        long idx_closest = search_closest(numbers, x);

        std::cout << "Index of the closest element: " << idx_closest;
        std::cout << std::endl;

        std::cout << "The closest element itself: " << numbers[idx_closest];
        std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

When we build and run the program, the output is as follows:

Sorted vector:
[-1.9, 0.57, 1.2, 3.14, 4.65, 4.89, 5.3, 9.4]

Searching element closest to 5
Index of the closest element: 5
The closest element itself: 4.89

Searching element closest to 5.1
Index of the closest element: 6
The closest element itself: 5.3

As you can see, the numbers 4.89 and 5.3 sort of compete in this situation. For both 5 and 5.1 as input value, the std::lower_bound returns an iterator pointing to 5.3 as the first greater or equal element than x. However, the final result is based on the actual closeness.

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