Looking again at Go: go.mod, go.sum, go.work, and VSCode config

April 2, 2022  [golang]  [programming]  [vscode] 

I really like the Go programming language. Although I have never had a chance to use it professionally, I had a fun time learning it back in 2017 with the Todd McLeod’s course. These days I decided to take another look at Golang, with the goal of eventually applying it in my side projects. I was aware that a number of new features were added to the language since I touched it last time, most notably modules and generics. I haven’t yet looked at the latter, but the thing I wanted to tinker with first was the module-based project structure and the toolset around it. This blog post is basically a short set of notes of how to get started with those.

A nice little excercise is to create two modules, one being a command-line “Hello World” app, and the second serving as a library providing some functionality for the app. This is sort of what you write if you follow the official Golang’s getting started tutorial. In my case I create the following two modules under some arbitrary directory back2go:

First things first, I create go.mod files in each of the packages’ directories by executing the following command:

$ go mod init alexsm.com/back2go/greetings
# ...
$ go mod init alexsm.com/back2go/hello-app

The original go.mod files are pretty minimal, containing only the specified unique paths and the version of Golang. Our hello-app has two dependecies, specfied as imports in code. To add them to the corresponding go.mod we do the following. First, it is necessary to let Golang know that our greetings module cannot really be fetched from its path (alexsm.com/back2go/greetings), but should rather be found in its local directory:

$ go mod edit -replace alexsm.com/back2go/greetings=../greetings

This adds the following line to go.mod (which, of course, could have been added manually):

replace alexsm.com/back2go/greetings => ../greetings

After we specified all local modules (in this case only one), we fetch and install all the remote dependencies:

$ go mod tidy

This edits go.mod, adding the dependecies with the most recent versions, downloads/installs the packages themselves, as well as creates a go.sum file, containing checksums of the installed packages. The directory in which the packages are installed, namely $GOPATH/pkg/mod, is known as the mudule cache directory.

To complete the setup, it is necessary to make the directory containing greetings and hello-app a Go workspace.

$ cd .. # one level up from any of the two modules
$ go work init

As a result, you get a go.work file in the root directory. Then we specify our two modules in this file. Again, this can be done with either terminal commands or by editing the file:

$ go work use ./hello-app
$ go work use ./greetings

The go.work looks like that:

go 1.18

use ./hello-app
use ./greetings

To finalize the post, I wanted to add a snapshot of the Golang part of my VSCode configuration file (settings.json). It annoys me quite a bit when stuff gets deleted on saving a file, so I prefer to disable some of the auto-formatting functionality in favor of manual invocation of go fmt:

    "[go]": {
        "editor.insertSpaces": false,
        "editor.formatOnSave": false,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll": false,
            "source.organizeImports": false

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